Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sorry for not doing maths corrections properly

Very sorry Mr Wan for not doing corrections properly because I was rushing and did not hear properly.I was too rushy and did not remember properly.I forgot to put the 10 into 100 as I was scared that I will have to stay back and confuse in one of the corrections.Very sorry please forgive.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sorry for did not do the corrections properly.
I did not do the 5 corrections because I was too busy in checking if there were any other corrections I had to do .That was why I missed the 3 of them. The other two which I did not see were because that they were too messy. I will try to improve to write neatly and will not forget to do my corrections next time.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

why I did not do my corrections properly

Sorry Mr Wan I did not do my corrections properly.T.T=(....I did not check my math workbook properly as you said if any group who don't pass before the bell rings minus 100points.Mr Wan,I am terribly sad and remorse for what I did....Please forgive me!=(....