Friday, April 24, 2009

Never check the blogs

I am so sorry Mr Wan for not checking the blogs that our classmates were suppose to do. My brother has now fixed my laptop and can now connect to the internet.I will also tell you early if this kinds of things happen again which i hope that there is not.Once again i am so sorry for what i have done so i also hope that you cold forgive me and i will be a good ict monitor. so i do not want to waste your precious time reading this apology blog so i will will end this with another (sorryX100).
By Marcus from 5c

Monday, April 20, 2009

why I did not do corrections

In this blog, should not say sorry right?? Opps!I said it! I did not do it properly as I could not remember how to do it( not that I purposely don't want to do) Some I forgotten though...... my bad(mostly)not your fault though. Blame it on me being careless. Some questions I did not do working and i was too hasty to hand it up. Anyway, thanks for explaining it. Well now I'd understand....hope so at least....don't want to fail my area on triangle test......Kind of apolegetic for wating 15 min of ur life scolding me. Next time, I'd try to avoid doin corrections like thrash.(how many times I tried but no sucess....)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why I did not do my math wb corrections properly

Dear Mr Wan,
I did not do my math WB corrections as I rushed through my homework and did not check the questions which lead to 1 of the questions being undone.As for the undone corrections,on that day,I did not catch your explanations well and I did not ask you too as I was afraid that I would disrupt your lesson.In the future,I will try to catch your explanations for the corrections more clearly and do my best to not rush through my homework so that you will not see this again,I will really really try and do what I have told you.


why i did not do my math well

Dear Mr Wan

I think that I did not do my math workbook properly as I was rushing through my math workbook as I have alot of homework lately or I just did not listen to you in class properlymaybe I a,m just carelss as .I really redret not doing my math workbook properly and i really hope that you will forgive me for my carelessnss.

Friday, April 17, 2009

why i did not do my correction propperly

Dear MR Wan

I think I did not do my corrections properly as I was in a rush to complete all my homework or everything you told me just slip my mind and that is why I did not do my area of triangles properly or maybe I was just to carelss when I was doing my area of triangle homework or maybe I did not know the area of triangle stuff properly when I did area of triangle that time.I really wish u could forgive me please please

By:ming an