Sunday, August 16, 2009

On Friday the reason I walked that slowly was because I wanted to wait for Isabelle but she already was in class. Next time I will not wait for other people anymore.I will not wait untill the bell rings , I will go to the class room earlier , before the bell rings.

Ooi jia xuan

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why i walk so slow.

i was at the com lab saving the animation and then mdm maisarah aready left. when i reach there the girls all ask me go infront of them but actually i should stand behind according to the height scales. and i did not know that i was walking that slow. and wad samantha said that i was taking my own sweet time there talking wth isabelle. i was walking slow but i was not talking to isabelle and more they can cut infront.
and mr wan, i appologise for not paying attention while you we screaning the science video. i was trying to help celine to fix the pen which is not hers, it weas yi ze's (yi ze from 5 dilligence) she took his pen and never return but she spoiled it. i wanted to help her fix it so that she could return it to yi ze. as she should not take it in the first place. me and grace aready told her to return it but she don't want to. but i did copy down the notes that you wanted us to.
- shannon.
Mr wan said that I had to blog because I walk slow. I wasted more than five minutes of his life and feels a little apologetic. Actually, I felt that I did not walk slow. I left no gaps in between Samantha. I also feel that Samantha was not at wrong as she left no gaps in between her and Isabelle. Next time, if anyone is walking slow and is in front of me, I will ask him/ her to walk faster.

Posted by : Evelyn